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Publications and conferences of Dr. CZIBULA Istvan, Profesor Universitar

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1. Şerban, G., Câmpan, A., Czibula, I.G., A Programming Interface For Finding Relational Association Rules, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, Vol. I/2006, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control, ICCCC 2006, Oradea, 2006, pp. 934-944 (2018 IF=1.585, Q3)
2. Czibula, I.G., Lazăr, L.C., Lazăr, I., Motogna, S., Pârv, B., ComDeValCo Development Tools for Procedural Paradigm, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, Vol. 3, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control, ICCCC 2008, Oradea, 2008, pp. 243-247 (2018 IF=1.585, Q3)
3. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Hierarchical clustering based design patterns
Identification, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control,
Vol. 3, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers,
Communications and Control, ICCCC 2008, Oradea, 2008, pp. 248-252 (2018
IF=1.585, Q3)
4. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Incremental Refactoring Using Seeds, SIC Journal,
Studies in Informatics and Control, Vol. 19, Issue. 3, 2010, pp. 271-284 (2018
IF=1.347, Q3)
5. Lazăr, L.C., Lazăr, I., Pârv, B., Motogna, S., Czibula, I.G., Tool support for
fUML Models, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control,
Vol. 5, No. 5, 2010, pp. 770-777 (2018 IF=1.585, Q3)
6. Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S., Czibula, I.G., Evaluation Measures For Partitioning
Based Aspect Mining Techniques, International Journal of Computers,
Communications and Control, 6(1), 2011, pp. 72-80 (2018 IF=1.585, Q3)
7. Bocicor, M. I., Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., A Distributed Q-Learning Approach to
Fragment Assembly, SIC Journal, Studies in Informatics and Control, Vol. 20,
Issue. 3, 2011, pp. 221-232 (2018 IF=1.347, Q3)
8. Czibula, G., Bocicor, M. I., Czibula, I.G., Promoter Sequences Prediction Using
Relational Association Rule Mining, Evolutionary Bioinformatics, Vol. 8, 2012,
pp. 181-196 (2018 IF=2.203, Q2)
9. Zsuzsanna Marian, Gabriela Czibula, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Using Software
Metrics for Automatic Software Design Improvement, Studies in Informatics and
Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 21 (3), pp. 249-258, 2012 (2018 IF=1.347, Q3)
10. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Unsupervised Restructuring of Object-Oriented
Software Systems using Self-Organizing Feature Maps, International Journal of
Innovative Computing Information and Control, Japan, Volume 8, No. 3(A),
2012, pp. 1689-1704 (2018 IF=1.667, Q2)
11. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Găceanu, R.D., Intelligent Data Structures Selection
using Neural Networks, Knowledge and Information Systems, Volume 34, Issue
1, 2013, Page 171-192 (2018 IF=2.397, Q2)
12. Czibula, G., Crișan C.G., Pintea, M.C, Czibula, I.G., Soft computing approaches
on the bandwidth problem, Informatica, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2013, Vol. 24, No. 1,
pp. 1–12 (2018 IF=1.928, Q3)
13. Czibula, G., Bocicor, M. I., Czibula, I.G., Temporal Ordering of Cancer
Microarray Data through a Reinforcement Learning Based Approach, PlosOne
journal, 8(4): e60883, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060883, 2013 (2018 IF=2.776,
14. Gabriela Czibula, Zsuzsanna Marian, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Software Defect
Prediction using Relational Association Rule Mining, Information Sciences, Vol.
264, April 2014, pp. 260-278 (2018 IF=5.524, Q1)
15. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Găceanu, R.D., A Support Vector Machine Model For
Intelligent Selection of Data Representations, Applied Soft Computing, Volume
18, May 2014, Pages 70–81 (2018 IF=4.873, Q1)
16. Gabriela Czibula, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Software systems performance
improvement by intelligent data structures customization, Information Sciences,
2014, Vol. 274, pp. 249-260 (2018 IF=5.524, Q1)
17. Gabriela Czibula, Zsuzsanna Marian, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Detecting
Software Design Defects Using Relational Association Rule Mining, Knowledge
and Information Systems, Vol. 42, Number 3, 2015, pp. 545-577 (2018 IF=2.397,
18. Gabriela Czibula, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Adela Sȋrbu, Ioan-Gabriela Mircea, A
novel approach to adaptive relational association rule mining, Applied Soft
Computing journal, Vol. 36, November 2015, pp. 519-533, 2015 (2018 IF=4.873,
19. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Marian, Zs., A Novel Approach Using Fuzzy SelfOrganizing Maps for Detecting Software Faults, Studies in Informatics and
Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 25 (2), pp.207-216, 2016 (2018 IF=1.347, Q3)
20. Czibula, I.G, Czibula, G., Miholca, D.L , Enhancing relational association rules
with gradualness, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and
Control, Japan, 13(1), pp. 289-306, 2017 (2018 IF=1.667, Q2)
21. Vlad-Sebastian Ionescu, Horia Demian, Istvan-Gergely Czibula, Natural
Language Processing and Machine Learning Methods for Software Development
Effort Estimation, Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol.
26(2), pp. 219-228, 2017 (2018 IF=1.347, Q3)
22. Miholca, D.L, Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G, A novel approach for software defect
prediction through hybridizing gradual relational association rules with artificial
neural networks, Information Sciences 441C (2018), pp. 152-170 (2018 IF=5.524,
23. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G, Marian, Zs., An effective approach for determining the
class integration test order using reinforcement learning, Applied Soft Computing
65C (2018) pp. 517-530 (2018 IF=4.873, Q1)
24. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G, Miholca, D.L., Oneț-Marian, Zs., An aggregated
coupling measure for the analysis of object-oriented software systems, Journal of
Systems and Software, Volume 148C, pp. 1-20, 2019 (2018 IF=2.559, Q1)
25. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Miholca, D.L, Crivei, M.L., A novel concurrent
relational association rule mining approach, Expert systems with Applications,
Vol. 125, pp. 142-156, 2019, (2018 IF=4.292, Q1)
Publications in Conference Proceedings Citation Index: 29
1. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., A Programming Interface for Determining
Refactorings of Object-Oriented Software Systems using Clustering, ICCP 2007:
Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computer
Communication and Processing, September, 6-8, 2007, Cluj-Napoca, Romania,
pp. 271-274
2. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Restructuring Software Systems Using Clustering,
ISCIS 2007, Proceedings of The 22th International Symposium on Computer and
Information Sciences, IEEExplore, November 7-9, Ankara, Turkey, 2007, pp.
3. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring
through Clustering, ICAISC'08, The Eighth International Conference on Artificial
Intelligence and Soft Computing, LNAI 5097, pp. 693-704
4. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Identifying Design Patterns in Object-Oriented
Software Systems Using Unsupervised Learning, 2008 IEEE-TTTC International
Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2008, pp. 347-
5. Czibula, G., Guran, A., Cojocar, G.S, Czibula, I.G., Multiagent Decision Support
Systems based on Supervised Learning, 2008 IEEE-TTTC International
Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2008, pp. 353-
6. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Refactorings Detection Using Hierarchical
Clustering, European Computing Conference, ECC'08, Malta, 2008, pp. 332-337
7. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Clustering based automatic refactorings identification,
SYNASC 2008, The 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric
Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timişoara, 2008, pp. 253-256
8. Lazăr, I., Pârv, B., Motogna S., Czibula, I.G., Lazăr, L., iCOMPONENT: A
Platform-Independent Component Model for Dynamic Execution Environments,
SYNASC 2008, The 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric
Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timişoara, 2008, pp. 257-264
9. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S, Guran, A., IMASC - An Intelligent
MultiAgent System for Clinical Decision Support, Proceedings of the International
Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex
Systems - Medical Applications of the Compex Systems Biomedical Computing
CANS' 2008, IEEE Society Press, Targu Mures, 2008, pp. 183-188
10. Lazar, I., Parv, B., Motogna, S., Czibula, I.G., Lazar, C.L., An Agile MDA
Approach for the Development of Service-Oriented Component-Based
Applications Proceedings of the International Conference on Complexity and
Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications
of the Compex Systems Biomedical Computing CANS' 2008, IEEE Society Press,
Targu Mures, 2008, pp. 38-44
11. Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S, Czibula, I.G., A partitional clustering algorithm for
crosscutting concerns identification, Proceedings of the International Conference 
(SEPADS '09), Cambridge, UK, 2009, pp. 111-116
12. S. Motogna, I. Lazar, B. Parv, I. G. Czibula. An Agile MDA Approach for Service
Oriented Components, Proceedings 6
th International Workshop on Formal
Engineering Approaches to Software Components and Architectures, FESCAETAPS’2009, in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2009, vol.
253, Elsevier, pp. 95-110
13. I. Lazar, I. G. Czibula, S. Motogna, B. Parv, L. Lazar, Rapid prototyping of
service-oriented applications on OSGi platform, Proceedings of BCI’09, pp. 217-
222, Greece
14. Czibula, G., Guran, A., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S., IPA - An Intelligent
Personal Assistant Agent For Task Performance Support, ICCP 2009:
Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computer
Communication and Processing, 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 31-34
15. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Guran, A., Dynamic customization of data structures
instances using an agent based approach, SYNASC 2009, The 11th International
Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing,
Timişoara, 2009, IEEE Society Press, pp. 341-347
16. Parv, B., Lazar, I., Motogna, S., Czibula, I. G., Lazar, L., ComDeValCo
Framework – Procedural and Modular Issues, KEPT 2009, Knowledge
Engineering: Principles and Techniques, International Conference, Babes-Bolyai
University, 2009, pp. 213-222
17. Czibula, I.G., Clustering Based Reengineering of Procedural Systems to ObjectOriented Architectures, Post-proceedings of KEPT 2009, pp. 205-212
18. Lazar, L., Lazar, I., Parv, B., Motogna, S., Czibula, I. G., Using a fUML Action
Language to construct UML models, SYNASC 2009, The 11th International
Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing,
Timişoara, 2009, IEEE Society Press, ISBN 978-0-7695-3694-5, pp. 93-101
19. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Adaptive Refactoring Using a Core-Based Clustering
Approach, Proceedings of the 9
th International Conference on Software
Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems
(SEPADS '10), Cambridge, UK, 2010, pp. 133-138
20. Bocicor, M. I., Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., A Reinforcement Learning Approach
for Solving the Fragment Assembly Problem, Proceedings of the 13th
International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific
Computing, SYNASC 2011, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 191-198, 2011
21. Czibula, G., Bocicor, M.I., Czibula, I.G., Solving the Protein Folding Problem
Using a Distributed Q-Learning Approach, International Journal of Computers,
Volume 5, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 404-413
22. Czibula, I. G., Czibula, G., Bocicor, M.I., A Reinforcement Learning Based
Framework for Solving Optimization Problems, Post proceedings of KEPT 2011,
Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2011, pp. 235-246
23. Diana-Lucia Miholca, Gabriela Czibula, Ioan-Gabriel Mircea, Istvan Gergely
Czibula, Machine learning based approaches for sex identification in
bioarchaeology, Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing
(SYNASC'16), Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 311-314
24. Zsuzsanna Marian, Ioan-Gabriel Mircea, Istvan-Gergely Czibula and Gabriela
Czibula, A novel approach for software defect prediction using fuzzy decision
trees, Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC'16),
Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 240-247
25. Istvan Gergely Czibula, Gabriela Czibula and Zsuzsanna Marian, An Improved
Approach for Class Test Ordering Optimization using Genetic Algorithms,
ICSOFT, International Conference on Software Technologies, pp. 27-37, 2017
26. Zsuzsanna Marian, Gabriela Czibula, Istvan Gergely Czibula, A hierarchical
clustering-based approach for software restructuring at the package level,
SYNASC 2017, 2017, to be published
27. Diana-Lucia Miholca, Gabriela Czibula, Zsuzsanna Marian, Istvan Gergely
Czibula, An unsupervised learning based conceptual coupling measure,
SYNASC 2017, 2017, pp. 1-8
28. Gabriel Berecz, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Hunting Traits for Cryptojackers,
Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Security and Criptography,
Prague, Czech Republic, Volume 2: SECRYPT, pp. 386-393, 2019
29. Istvan Gergely Czibula, Zsuzsanna Marian, Robert-Francisc Vida , Automatic
algorithmic complexity determination using dynamic program analysis,
Proceedigs of ICSOFT 2019, International Conference on Software Technologies,
Prague, Czech Republic, Volume 1, pp. 186-193, 2019
Ib Publications in proceedings of indexed international conferences: 9
1. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., A New Clustering Approach for Systems Designs
Improvement, 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and
Practice, SETP-07, Orlando, USA, July 9-12, 2007, pp. 47-54
2. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., A Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Software
Design Improvement, KEPT 2007, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and
Techniques, Babes-Bolyai University, June 6-8, 2007, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 316-323
3. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Software Systems Design Improvement Using
Hierarchical Clustering, SERP'07- The 2007 International Conference on
Software Engineering Research and Practice, June 25-28, Las Vegas, USA, 2007,
pp. 229-235
4. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Câmpan, A., Medical Diagnosis Prediction using
Relational Association Rules, International Conference on Theory and
Applications of Mathematics and Informatics (ICTAMI'07), Alba-Iulia, 2008, pp.
5. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S., Guran, A., Decision support system for
software maintenance and evolution, KEPT 2009, Knowledge Engineering:
Principles and Techniques, International Conference, in Studia Informatica suppl
issue, Babes-Bolyai University, 2009, pp. 181-184
6. Czibula, I.G., A clustering approach for transforming procedural into objectoriented software systems, KEPT 2009, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and
Techniques, International Conference, in Studia Informatica suppl issue, BabesBolyai University, 2009, pp. 185-188
7. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Hierarchical Clustering for Adaptive Refactorings
Identification, 2010 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation,
Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2010, pp. 99-104
8. Czibula, G., Bocicor, M.I., Czibula, I.G., A Distributed Reinforcement Learning
Approach for Solving Optimization Problems, in Recent Researches in
Communications and IT, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on
Communications and Information Technology (CIT '11), Greece, 2011, pp. 25-30
9. Marian, Zs., Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G. and Sotoc, S., Self-organizning maps for
identifying software defects, Proceedings of the International Conference on
Knowledge Engineering, Principles and Techniques, KEPT2015, Cluj-Napoca
(Romania), July 2–4, 2015, pp. 25–28
Ic Publications in indexed international journals: 32
1. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Câmpan, A., A Programming Interface For Medical
Diagnosis Prediction, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LI(1),
2006, pp. 21-30
2. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Improving Systems Design Using a Clustering
Approach, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network
Security, VOL.6 No.12, December 2006, pp. 40-49
3. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., An Analysis of Distance Metrics for Clustering based
Improvement of Systems Design, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai",
Informatica, LII(1), 2007, pp. 45-54
4. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., On Evaluating Software Systems Design, Studia
Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LII(1), 2007, pp. 55-66
5. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., A Study on clustering based restructuring of Software
systems, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LII(2), 2007, pp. 93-
6. Lazăr, I., Pârv, B., Motogna S., Czibula, I.G., Lazăr, L., An Agile MDA Approach
for Executable UML Structured Activities, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai",
Informatica, LII(2), 2007, pp. 101-114
7. Pârv, B., Motogna S., Lazăr, I., Czibula, I.G., Lazăr, L., ComDeValCo - A
Framework for Software Component Definition, Validation, and Composition,
Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LII(2), 2007, pp. 59-68
8. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Hierachical Clustering for Software Systems
Restructuring, INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, Brazilia, Volume 6 - n.
4, December 2007, pp. 43-51
9. Czibula, I.G., Czibula (Serban), G., Hierarchical Clustering based Automatic
Refactorings Detection, WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, Issue 7, Vol.5, July
2008, pp. 291-302
10. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., A Search Based Approach for Identifying Design
Patterns, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LIII(1), 2008, pp. 3-16
11. Motogna S., Pârv, B., Lazăr, I., Czibula, I.G., Lazăr, L., Extending OCL-based
Action Language for Executable UML Components, Studia Universitatis "BabesBolyai", Informatica, LIII(2), 2008, pp. 15-26
12. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., A partitional clustering algorithm for improving the
structure of object-oriented software systems, Studia Universitatis "BabesBolyai", Informatica, LIII(2), 2008, pp. 105-114
13. Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring using
Clustering, Analele Universitatiii de Vest Timisoara, Analele Universitatiii de
Vest Timisoara, Seria Matematică şi Informatică , Vol. XLVI, No. 2, 2008, pp.
14. Motogna S., Lazăr, I., Pârv, B., Czibula, I.G., Lazăr, L., Component
Classification Criteria for a Platform-Independent Component Repository, 
International Conference on Applied Mathematics, in Creative Mathematics and
Informatics, Vol. 17 (2008) no. 3, pp. 481-486
15. Cojocar, G.S., Czibula, G., Czibula. I.G., A Comparative Analysis of Clustering
Algorithms in Aspect Mining, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica,
LIV(1), 2009, pp. 75-84
16. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S., Guran, A., Assisting Software
Maintenance and Evolution Using an Agent Based Approach, Post-proceedings of
KEPT 2009, pp. 197-204
17. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., On converting software systems to object oriented
architectures, BRAIN Journal, Special Issue on Complexity in Sciences and
Artifical Intelligence, Vol. 1, 2010, pp. 12-17
18. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Unsupervised transformation of procedural programs
to object-oriented design, Acta Universitatis Apulensis, Special Issue on
Understanding Complex Systems, 2012, pp. 15-27
19. Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S., Czibula. I.G., Identifying Crosscutting Concerns
Using Partitional Clustering, Wseas Transactions on Computers, Issue 2, Volume
8, 2009, pp. 386-395
20. Czibula. I.G., Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S., Hierarchical Clustering for Identifying
Crosscutting Concerns in Object Oriented Software Systems, INFOCOMP Journal
of Computer Science, Volume 8, Number 3, Brazilia, 2009, pp. 21-28.
21. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Clustering Based Adaptive Refactoring, Wseas
Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 3, Volume 7, 2010,
pp. 391-400
22. Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Adaptive restructuring of object-oriented software
systems, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LV(2), 2010, pp. 1-12
23. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Pintea M.C, A Reinforcement Learning Approach for
Solving the Matrix Bandwidth Minimization Problem, Studia Universitatis
"Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LV(4), 2010, pp. 9-17
24. Czibula G., Bocicor, M.I., Czibula, I.G., A Reinforcement Learning Model for
Solving the Folding Problem, IJCTA - International Journal of Computer
Technology and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 171-182
25. Czibula, G., Bocicor, M.I., Czibula, I.G., An Experiment on Protein Structure
Prediction using Reinforcement Learning, Studia Babes-Bolyai Informatica, LVI
(1), 2011, pp. 25-34
26. Czibula, I. G., Czibula, G., Bocicor, M.I., A Software Framework for Solving
Combinatorial Optimization Tasks, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai",
Informatica, Proc. of KEPT 2011, Special Issue, LVI(3), pp. 3-8, 2011
27. Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Bocicor, M.I., A Comparison of Reinforcement
Learning Based Models for the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem, Studia
Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, Proc. of KEPT 2013, LVIII(2), pp. 90-
102, 2013
28. Marian Zs., Czibula G., Czibula I.G., FAOS – A framework for analysing object
oriented software systems, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica,
LIX(2), pp.66-81, 2014
29. Zsuzsanna Marian, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Gabriela Czibula and Sergiu Sotoc,
Software Defect Detection using Self-Organizing Maps, Studia Universitatis
"Babes-Bolyai”, LX(2), 2015, pp. 55-69
30. Zsuzsanna Marian, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Ioan-Gabriel Mircea and VladSebastian Ionescu, A Study on Software Defect Prediction Using Fuzzy Decision
Trees, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai”, LXI(2), 2016, pp. 5-20
31. I. G. Czibula, G. Czibula, D.L. Miholca, Z. Marian, Identifying hidden
dependencies in software systems, Studia Universitatis "BabesBolyai”Informatica, 62(1), 2017, pp. 90-106
32. Istvan Gergely Czibula, Gabriela Czibula and Zsuzsanna Marian, Identifying
Class Integration Test Order using an Improved Genetic Algorithm-Based
Approach, Communications in Computer and Information Science" (CCIS),
Springer, 2018, pp. 163-187
Id Publications in volumes of international conferences which are not
indexed: 1
1. Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., A new Clustering Algorithm for Refactorings
Determination, BCI'07, Proceedings of the 3rd Balkan Conference in Informatics,
27-29 September 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 131-142
Ie Publications in volumes of national conferences which are not
indexed: 1
1. Czibula, I.G., ComDeValCo - Activity Modeling and Execution Proceedings of
the Symposium “Colocviul Academic Clujean de Informatica”, Directii noi de
cercetare in Informatica, 2008, pp. 61-68
II Books published by national publishing houses: 1
1. Czibula, I., G., Use of search techniques to software development, Editura
Risoprint, ISBN 978-973-53-0119-4, 2009 (248 pagini) – în limba engleză 

In [2]:
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Şerban, G., Câmpan, A., Czibula, I.G., A Programming Interface For Finding Relational Association Rules, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, Vol. I/2006, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control, ICCCC 2006, Oradea, 2006, pp. 934-944 (2018 IF=1.585, Q3) 

Czibula, I.G., Lazăr, L.C., Lazăr, I., Motogna, S., Pârv, B., ComDeValCo Development Tools for Procedural Paradigm, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, Vol. 3, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control, ICCCC 2008, Oradea, 2008, pp. 243-247 (2018 IF=1.585, Q3) 

Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Hierarchical clustering based design patterns Identification, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, Vol. 3, Proceedings of the International Conference on Computers, Communications and Control, ICCCC 2008, Oradea, 2008, pp. 248-252 (2018 IF=1.585, Q3) 

Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Incremental Refactoring Using Seeds, SIC Journal, Studies in Informatics and Control, Vol. 19, Issue. 3, 2010, pp. 271-284 (2018 IF=1.347, Q3) 

Lazăr, L.C., Lazăr, I., Pârv, B., Motogna, S., Czibula, I.G., Tool support for fUML Models, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, Vol. 5, No. 5, 2010, pp. 770-777 (2018 IF=1.585, Q3) 

Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S., Czibula, I.G., Evaluation Measures For Partitioning Based Aspect Mining Techniques, International Journal of Computers, Communications and Control, 6(1), 2011, pp. 72-80 (2018 IF=1.585, Q3) 

Bocicor, M. I., Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., A Distributed Q-Learning Approach to Fragment Assembly, SIC Journal, Studies in Informatics and Control, Vol. 20, Issue. 3, 2011, pp. 221-232 (2018 IF=1.347, Q3) 

Czibula, G., Bocicor, M. I., Czibula, I.G., Promoter Sequences Prediction Using Relational Association Rule Mining, Evolutionary Bioinformatics, Vol. 8, 2012, pp. 181-196 (2018 IF=2.203, Q2) 

Zsuzsanna Marian, Gabriela Czibula, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Using Software Metrics for Automatic Software Design Improvement, Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 21 (3), pp. 249-258, 2012 (2018 IF=1.347, Q3) 

Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Unsupervised Restructuring of Object-Oriented Software Systems using Self-Organizing Feature Maps, International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control, Japan, Volume 8, No. 3(A), 2012, pp. 1689-1704 (2018 IF=1.667, Q2) 

Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Găceanu, R.D., Intelligent Data Structures Selection using Neural Networks, Knowledge and Information Systems, Volume 34, Issue 1, 2013, Page 171-192 (2018 IF=2.397, Q2) 

Czibula, G., Crișan C.G., Pintea, M.C, Czibula, I.G., Soft computing approaches on the bandwidth problem, Informatica, Vilnius, Lithuania, 2013, Vol. 24, No. 1, pp. 1–12 (2018 IF=1.928, Q3) 

Czibula, G., Bocicor, M. I., Czibula, I.G., Temporal Ordering of Cancer Microarray Data through a Reinforcement Learning Based Approach, PlosOne journal, 8(4): e60883, doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0060883, 2013 (2018 IF=2.776, Q2) 

Gabriela Czibula, Zsuzsanna Marian, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Software Defect Prediction using Relational Association Rule Mining, Information Sciences, Vol. 264, April 2014, pp. 260-278 (2018 IF=5.524, Q1) 

Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Găceanu, R.D., A Support Vector Machine Model For Intelligent Selection of Data Representations, Applied Soft Computing, Volume 18, May 2014, Pages 70–81 (2018 IF=4.873, Q1) 

Gabriela Czibula, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Software systems performance improvement by intelligent data structures customization, Information Sciences, 2014, Vol. 274, pp. 249-260 (2018 IF=5.524, Q1) 

Gabriela Czibula, Zsuzsanna Marian, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Detecting Software Design Defects Using Relational Association Rule Mining, Knowledge and Information Systems, Vol. 42, Number 3, 2015, pp. 545-577 (2018 IF=2.397, Q2) 

Gabriela Czibula, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Adela Sȋrbu, Ioan-Gabriela Mircea, A novel approach to adaptive relational association rule mining, Applied Soft Computing journal, Vol. 36, November 2015, pp. 519-533, 2015 (2018 IF=4.873, Q1) 

Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Marian, Zs., A Novel Approach Using Fuzzy SelfOrganizing Maps for Detecting Software Faults, Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 25 (2), pp.207-216, 2016 (2018 IF=1.347, Q3) 

Czibula, I.G, Czibula, G., Miholca, D.L , Enhancing relational association rules with gradualness, International Journal of Innovative Computing, Information and Control, Japan, 13(1), pp. 289-306, 2017 (2018 IF=1.667, Q2) 

Vlad-Sebastian Ionescu, Horia Demian, Istvan-Gergely Czibula, Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Methods for Software Development Effort Estimation, Studies in Informatics and Control, ISSN 1220-1766, vol. 26(2), pp. 219-228, 2017 (2018 IF=1.347, Q3) 

Miholca, D.L, Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G, A novel approach for software defect prediction through hybridizing gradual relational association rules with artificial neural networks, Information Sciences 441C (2018), pp. 152-170 (2018 IF=5.524, Q1) 

Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G, Marian, Zs., An effective approach for determining the class integration test order using reinforcement learning, Applied Soft Computing 65C (2018) pp. 517-530 (2018 IF=4.873, Q1) 

Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G, Miholca, D.L., Oneț-Marian, Zs., An aggregated coupling measure for the analysis of object-oriented software systems, Journal of Systems and Software, Volume 148C, pp. 1-20, 2019 (2018 IF=2.559, Q1) 

Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Miholca, D.L, Crivei, M.L., A novel concurrent relational association rule mining approach, Expert systems with Applications, Vol. 125, pp. 142-156, 2019, (2018 IF=4.292, Q1) Publications in Conference Proceedings Citation Index: 29 

Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., A Programming Interface for Determining Refactorings of Object-Oriented Software Systems using Clustering, ICCP 2007: Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, September, 6-8, 2007, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 271-274 

Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Restructuring Software Systems Using Clustering, ISCIS 2007, Proceedings of The 22th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences, IEEExplore, November 7-9, Ankara, Turkey, 2007, pp. 262-267 

Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring through Clustering, ICAISC'08, The Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing, LNAI 5097, pp. 693-704 

Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Identifying Design Patterns in Object-Oriented Software Systems Using Unsupervised Learning, 2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2008, pp. 347- 352 

Czibula, G., Guran, A., Cojocar, G.S, Czibula, I.G., Multiagent Decision Support Systems based on Supervised Learning, 2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2008, pp. 353- 358 

Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Refactorings Detection Using Hierarchical Clustering, European Computing Conference, ECC'08, Malta, 2008, pp. 332-337 

Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Clustering based automatic refactorings identification, SYNASC 2008, The 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timişoara, 2008, pp. 253-256 

Lazăr, I., Pârv, B., Motogna S., Czibula, I.G., Lazăr, L., iCOMPONENT: A Platform-Independent Component Model for Dynamic Execution Environments, SYNASC 2008, The 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timişoara, 2008, pp. 257-264 

Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S, Guran, A., IMASC - An Intelligent MultiAgent System for Clinical Decision Support, Proceedings of the International Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications of the Compex Systems Biomedical Computing CANS' 2008, IEEE Society Press, Targu Mures, 2008, pp. 183-188 

Lazar, I., Parv, B., Motogna, S., Czibula, I.G., Lazar, C.L., An Agile MDA Approach for the Development of Service-Oriented Component-Based Applications Proceedings of the International Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications of the Compex Systems Biomedical Computing CANS' 2008, IEEE Society Press, Targu Mures, 2008, pp. 38-44 

Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S, Czibula, I.G., A partitional clustering algorithm for crosscutting concerns identification, Proceedings of the International Conference  on SOFTWARE ENGINEERING, PARALLEL and DISTRIBUTED SYSTEMS (SEPADS '09), Cambridge, UK, 2009, pp. 111-116 

S. Motogna, I. Lazar, B. Parv, I. G. Czibula. An Agile MDA Approach for Service Oriented Components, Proceedings 6 th International Workshop on Formal Engineering Approaches to Software Components and Architectures, FESCAETAPS’2009, in Electronic Notes in Theoretical Computer Science 2009, vol. 253, Elsevier, pp. 95-110 

I. Lazar, I. G. Czibula, S. Motogna, B. Parv, L. Lazar, Rapid prototyping of service-oriented applications on OSGi platform, Proceedings of BCI’09, pp. 217- 222, Greece 

Czibula, G., Guran, A., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S., IPA - An Intelligent Personal Assistant Agent For Task Performance Support, ICCP 2009: Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing, 2009, Cluj-Napoca, Romania, pp. 31-34 

Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Guran, A., Dynamic customization of data structures instances using an agent based approach, SYNASC 2009, The 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timişoara, 2009, IEEE Society Press, pp. 341-347 

Parv, B., Lazar, I., Motogna, S., Czibula, I. G., Lazar, L., ComDeValCo Framework – Procedural and Modular Issues, KEPT 2009, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, International Conference, Babes-Bolyai University, 2009, pp. 213-222 

Czibula, I.G., Clustering Based Reengineering of Procedural Systems to ObjectOriented Architectures, Post-proceedings of KEPT 2009, pp. 205-212 

Lazar, L., Lazar, I., Parv, B., Motogna, S., Czibula, I. G., Using a fUML Action Language to construct UML models, SYNASC 2009, The 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, Timişoara, 2009, IEEE Society Press, ISBN 978-0-7695-3694-5, pp. 93-101 

Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Adaptive Refactoring Using a Core-Based Clustering Approach, Proceedings of the 9 th International Conference on Software Engineering, Parallel and Distributed Systems (SEPADS '10), Cambridge, UK, 2010, pp. 133-138 

Bocicor, M. I., Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving the Fragment Assembly Problem, Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing, SYNASC 2011, IEEE Computer Society, pp. 191-198, 2011 

Czibula, G., Bocicor, M.I., Czibula, I.G., Solving the Protein Folding Problem Using a Distributed Q-Learning Approach, International Journal of Computers, Volume 5, Issue 3, 2011, pp. 404-413 

Czibula, I. G., Czibula, G., Bocicor, M.I., A Reinforcement Learning Based Framework for Solving Optimization Problems, Post proceedings of KEPT 2011, Presa Universitară Clujeană, 2011, pp. 235-246 

Diana-Lucia Miholca, Gabriela Czibula, Ioan-Gabriel Mircea, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Machine learning based approaches for sex identification in bioarchaeology, Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC'16), Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 311-314 

Zsuzsanna Marian, Ioan-Gabriel Mircea, Istvan-Gergely Czibula and Gabriela Czibula, A novel approach for software defect prediction using fuzzy decision trees, Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing (SYNASC'16), Timisoara, Romania, IEEE Computer Society Press, pp. 240-247 

Istvan Gergely Czibula, Gabriela Czibula and Zsuzsanna Marian, An Improved Approach for Class Test Ordering Optimization using Genetic Algorithms, ICSOFT, International Conference on Software Technologies, pp. 27-37, 2017 

Zsuzsanna Marian, Gabriela Czibula, Istvan Gergely Czibula, A hierarchical clustering-based approach for software restructuring at the package level, SYNASC 2017, 2017, to be published 

Diana-Lucia Miholca, Gabriela Czibula, Zsuzsanna Marian, Istvan Gergely Czibula, An unsupervised learning based conceptual coupling measure, SYNASC 2017, 2017, pp. 1-8 

Gabriel Berecz, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Hunting Traits for Cryptojackers, Proceedings of the 16th International Conference on Security and Criptography, Prague, Czech Republic, Volume 2: SECRYPT, pp. 386-393, 2019 

Istvan Gergely Czibula, Zsuzsanna Marian, Robert-Francisc Vida , Automatic algorithmic complexity determination using dynamic program analysis, Proceedigs of ICSOFT 2019, International Conference on Software Technologies, Prague, Czech Republic, Volume 1, pp. 186-193, 2019 Ib Publications in proceedings of indexed international conferences: 9 

Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., A New Clustering Approach for Systems Designs Improvement, 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice, SETP-07, Orlando, USA, July 9-12, 2007, pp. 47-54 

Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., A Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Software Design Improvement, KEPT 2007, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, Babes-Bolyai University, June 6-8, 2007, Cluj-Napoca, pp. 316-323 

Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Software Systems Design Improvement Using Hierarchical Clustering, SERP'07- The 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice, June 25-28, Las Vegas, USA, 2007, pp. 229-235 

Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Câmpan, A., Medical Diagnosis Prediction using Relational Association Rules, International Conference on Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Informatics (ICTAMI'07), Alba-Iulia, 2008, pp. 339-352 

Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S., Guran, A., Decision support system for software maintenance and evolution, KEPT 2009, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, International Conference, in Studia Informatica suppl issue, Babes-Bolyai University, 2009, pp. 181-184 

Czibula, I.G., A clustering approach for transforming procedural into objectoriented software systems, KEPT 2009, Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques, International Conference, in Studia Informatica suppl issue, BabesBolyai University, 2009, pp. 185-188 

Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Hierarchical Clustering for Adaptive Refactorings Identification, 2010 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation, Quality and Testing, Robotics, AQTR 2010, pp. 99-104 

Czibula, G., Bocicor, M.I., Czibula, I.G., A Distributed Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving Optimization Problems, in Recent Researches in Communications and IT, Proceedings of the 5th International Conference on Communications and Information Technology (CIT '11), Greece, 2011, pp. 25-30 

Marian, Zs., Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G. and Sotoc, S., Self-organizning maps for identifying software defects, Proceedings of the International Conference on Knowledge Engineering, Principles and Techniques, KEPT2015, Cluj-Napoca (Romania), July 2–4, 2015, pp. 25–28 Ic Publications in indexed international journals: 32 

Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Câmpan, A., A Programming Interface For Medical Diagnosis Prediction, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LI(1), 2006, pp. 21-30 

Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Improving Systems Design Using a Clustering Approach, IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security, VOL.6 No.12, December 2006, pp. 40-49 

Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., An Analysis of Distance Metrics for Clustering based Improvement of Systems Design, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LII(1), 2007, pp. 45-54 

Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., On Evaluating Software Systems Design, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LII(1), 2007, pp. 55-66 

Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., A Study on clustering based restructuring of Software systems, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LII(2), 2007, pp. 93- 100 

Lazăr, I., Pârv, B., Motogna S., Czibula, I.G., Lazăr, L., An Agile MDA Approach for Executable UML Structured Activities, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LII(2), 2007, pp. 101-114 

Pârv, B., Motogna S., Lazăr, I., Czibula, I.G., Lazăr, L., ComDeValCo - A Framework for Software Component Definition, Validation, and Composition, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LII(2), 2007, pp. 59-68 

Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., Hierachical Clustering for Software Systems Restructuring, INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, Brazilia, Volume 6 - n. 4, December 2007, pp. 43-51 

Czibula, I.G., Czibula (Serban), G., Hierarchical Clustering based Automatic Refactorings Detection, WSEAS Transactions on Electronics, Issue 7, Vol.5, July 2008, pp. 291-302 

Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., A Search Based Approach for Identifying Design Patterns, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LIII(1), 2008, pp. 3-16 

Motogna S., Pârv, B., Lazăr, I., Czibula, I.G., Lazăr, L., Extending OCL-based Action Language for Executable UML Components, Studia Universitatis "BabesBolyai", Informatica, LIII(2), 2008, pp. 15-26 

Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., A partitional clustering algorithm for improving the structure of object-oriented software systems, Studia Universitatis "BabesBolyai", Informatica, LIII(2), 2008, pp. 105-114 

Şerban, G., Czibula, I.G., Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring using Clustering, Analele Universitatiii de Vest Timisoara, Analele Universitatiii de Vest Timisoara, Seria Matematică şi Informatică , Vol. XLVI, No. 2, 2008, pp. 161-173 

Motogna S., Lazăr, I., Pârv, B., Czibula, I.G., Lazăr, L., Component Classification Criteria for a Platform-Independent Component Repository,  International Conference on Applied Mathematics, in Creative Mathematics and Informatics, Vol. 17 (2008) no. 3, pp. 481-486 

Cojocar, G.S., Czibula, G., Czibula. I.G., A Comparative Analysis of Clustering Algorithms in Aspect Mining, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LIV(1), 2009, pp. 75-84 

Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Cojocar, G.S., Guran, A., Assisting Software Maintenance and Evolution Using an Agent Based Approach, Post-proceedings of KEPT 2009, pp. 197-204 

Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., On converting software systems to object oriented architectures, BRAIN Journal, Special Issue on Complexity in Sciences and Artifical Intelligence, Vol. 1, 2010, pp. 12-17 

Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Unsupervised transformation of procedural programs to object-oriented design, Acta Universitatis Apulensis, Special Issue on Understanding Complex Systems, 2012, pp. 15-27 

Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S., Czibula. I.G., Identifying Crosscutting Concerns Using Partitional Clustering, Wseas Transactions on Computers, Issue 2, Volume 8, 2009, pp. 386-395 

Czibula. I.G., Czibula, G., Cojocar, G.S., Hierarchical Clustering for Identifying Crosscutting Concerns in Object Oriented Software Systems, INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science, Volume 8, Number 3, Brazilia, 2009, pp. 21-28. 

Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Clustering Based Adaptive Refactoring, Wseas Transactions on Information Science and Applications, Issue 3, Volume 7, 2010, pp. 391-400 

Czibula, I.G., Czibula, G., Adaptive restructuring of object-oriented software systems, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LV(2), 2010, pp. 1-12 

Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Pintea M.C, A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving the Matrix Bandwidth Minimization Problem, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LV(4), 2010, pp. 9-17 

Czibula G., Bocicor, M.I., Czibula, I.G., A Reinforcement Learning Model for Solving the Folding Problem, IJCTA - International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications, Vol. 2, Issue 1, 2011, pp. 171-182 

Czibula, G., Bocicor, M.I., Czibula, I.G., An Experiment on Protein Structure Prediction using Reinforcement Learning, Studia Babes-Bolyai Informatica, LVI (1), 2011, pp. 25-34 

Czibula, I. G., Czibula, G., Bocicor, M.I., A Software Framework for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Tasks, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, Proc. of KEPT 2011, Special Issue, LVI(3), pp. 3-8, 2011 

Czibula, G., Czibula, I.G., Bocicor, M.I., A Comparison of Reinforcement Learning Based Models for the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, Proc. of KEPT 2013, LVIII(2), pp. 90- 102, 2013 

Marian Zs., Czibula G., Czibula I.G., FAOS – A framework for analysing object oriented software systems, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai", Informatica, LIX(2), pp.66-81, 2014 

Zsuzsanna Marian, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Gabriela Czibula and Sergiu Sotoc, Software Defect Detection using Self-Organizing Maps, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai”, LX(2), 2015, pp. 55-69 

Zsuzsanna Marian, Istvan Gergely Czibula, Ioan-Gabriel Mircea and VladSebastian Ionescu, A Study on Software Defect Prediction Using Fuzzy Decision Trees, Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai”, LXI(2), 2016, pp. 5-20 

I. G. Czibula, G. Czibula, D.L. Miholca, Z. Marian, Identifying hidden dependencies in software systems, Studia Universitatis "BabesBolyai”Informatica, 62(1), 2017, pp. 90-106 

Istvan Gergely Czibula, Gabriela Czibula and Zsuzsanna Marian, Identifying Class Integration Test Order using an Improved Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach, Communications in Computer and Information Science" (CCIS), Springer, 2018, pp. 163-187 Id Publications in volumes of international conferences which are not indexed: 1 

Czibula, I.G., Şerban, G., A new Clustering Algorithm for Refactorings Determination, BCI'07, Proceedings of the 3rd Balkan Conference in Informatics, 27-29 September 2007, Sofia, Bulgaria, pp. 131-142 Ie Publications in volumes of national conferences which are not indexed: 1 

Czibula, I.G., ComDeValCo - Activity Modeling and Execution Proceedings of the Symposium “Colocviul Academic Clujean de Informatica”, Directii noi de cercetare in Informatica, 2008, pp. 61-68 II Books published by national publishing houses: 1 

Czibula, I., G., Use of search techniques to software development, Editura Risoprint, ISBN 978-973-53-0119-4, 2009 (248 pagini) – în limba engleză  

In [3]:
papers = []
for line in mylines:
    fields_csv = line.split(',')
    title = None
    affiliation = None
    date = None
    for k in fields_csv:
        if len(k.split(' ')) > 3:
            if title == None:
                title = k
            elif affiliation == None:
                affiliation = k
        date_field = True
        if len(k) > 2 and (k[0] == '2' or k[1] == '2'):
            for c in k.split('-')[0]:
                if c not in "12345657890 ":
                    date_field = False
            if date_field and date == None:
                date = k
    print("title: {0}".format(title))
#     print("affiliation: {0}".format(affiliation))
#     print("date: {0}".format(date))
    papers.append((title, affiliation, date))

title: None
title:  A Programming Interface For Finding Relational Association Rules
title:  ComDeValCo Development Tools for Procedural Paradigm
title:  Hierarchical clustering based design patterns Identification
title:  Incremental Refactoring Using Seeds
title:  Tool support for fUML Models
title:  Evaluation Measures For Partitioning Based Aspect Mining Techniques
title:  A Distributed Q-Learning Approach to Fragment Assembly
title:  Promoter Sequences Prediction Using Relational Association Rule Mining
title:  Istvan Gergely Czibula
title:  Unsupervised Restructuring of Object-Oriented Software Systems using Self-Organizing Feature Maps
title:  Intelligent Data Structures Selection using Neural Networks
title:  Soft computing approaches on the bandwidth problem
title:  Temporal Ordering of Cancer Microarray Data through a Reinforcement Learning Based Approach
title:  Istvan Gergely Czibula
title:  A Support Vector Machine Model For Intelligent Selection of Data Representations
title:  Istvan Gergely Czibula
title:  Istvan Gergely Czibula
title:  Istvan Gergely Czibula
title:  A Novel Approach Using Fuzzy SelfOrganizing Maps for Detecting Software Faults
title:  Enhancing relational association rules with gradualness
title:  Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Methods for Software Development Effort Estimation
title:  A novel approach for software defect prediction through hybridizing gradual relational association rules with artificial neural networks
title:  An effective approach for determining the class integration test order using reinforcement learning
title:  An aggregated coupling measure for the analysis of object-oriented software systems
title:  A novel concurrent relational association rule mining approach
title:  A Programming Interface for Determining Refactorings of Object-Oriented Software Systems using Clustering
title:  Restructuring Software Systems Using Clustering
title:  Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring through Clustering
title:  Identifying Design Patterns in Object-Oriented Software Systems Using Unsupervised Learning
title:  Multiagent Decision Support Systems based on Supervised Learning
title:  Refactorings Detection Using Hierarchical Clustering
title:  Clustering based automatic refactorings identification
title:  iCOMPONENT: A Platform-Independent Component Model for Dynamic Execution Environments
title:  IMASC - An Intelligent MultiAgent System for Clinical Decision Support
title:  An Agile MDA Approach for the Development of Service-Oriented Component-Based Applications Proceedings of the International Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications of the Compex Systems Biomedical Computing CANS' 2008
title:  A partitional clustering algorithm for crosscutting concerns identification
title:  I. G. Czibula. An Agile MDA Approach for Service Oriented Components
title:  I. G. Czibula
title:  IPA - An Intelligent Personal Assistant Agent For Task Performance Support
title:  Dynamic customization of data structures instances using an agent based approach
title:  ComDeValCo Framework – Procedural and Modular Issues
title:  Clustering Based Reengineering of Procedural Systems to ObjectOriented Architectures
title:  Using a fUML Action Language to construct UML models
title:  Adaptive Refactoring Using a Core-Based Clustering Approach
title:  A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving the Fragment Assembly Problem
title:  Solving the Protein Folding Problem Using a Distributed Q-Learning Approach
title:  A Reinforcement Learning Based Framework for Solving Optimization Problems
title:  Istvan Gergely Czibula
title:  Istvan-Gergely Czibula and Gabriela Czibula
title:  Gabriela Czibula and Zsuzsanna Marian
title:  Istvan Gergely Czibula
title:  Istvan Gergely Czibula
title:  Istvan Gergely Czibula
title:  Robert-Francisc Vida 
title:  A New Clustering Approach for Systems Designs Improvement
title:  A Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Software Design Improvement
title:  Software Systems Design Improvement Using Hierarchical Clustering
title:  Medical Diagnosis Prediction using Relational Association Rules
title:  Decision support system for software maintenance and evolution
title:  A clustering approach for transforming procedural into objectoriented software systems
title:  Hierarchical Clustering for Adaptive Refactorings Identification
title:  A Distributed Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving Optimization Problems
title:  G. and Sotoc
title:  A Programming Interface For Medical Diagnosis Prediction
title:  Improving Systems Design Using a Clustering Approach
title:  An Analysis of Distance Metrics for Clustering based Improvement of Systems Design
title:  On Evaluating Software Systems Design
title:  A Study on clustering based restructuring of Software systems
title:  An Agile MDA Approach for Executable UML Structured Activities
title:  ComDeValCo - A Framework for Software Component Definition
title:  Hierachical Clustering for Software Systems Restructuring
title:  Hierarchical Clustering based Automatic Refactorings Detection
title:  A Search Based Approach for Identifying Design Patterns
title:  Extending OCL-based Action Language for Executable UML Components
title:  A partitional clustering algorithm for improving the structure of object-oriented software systems
title:  Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring using Clustering
title:  Component Classification Criteria for a Platform-Independent Component Repository
title:  A Comparative Analysis of Clustering Algorithms in Aspect Mining
title:  Assisting Software Maintenance and Evolution Using an Agent Based Approach
title:  On converting software systems to object oriented architectures
title:  Unsupervised transformation of procedural programs to object-oriented design
title:  Identifying Crosscutting Concerns Using Partitional Clustering
title:  Hierarchical Clustering for Identifying Crosscutting Concerns in Object Oriented Software Systems
title:  Clustering Based Adaptive Refactoring
title:  Adaptive restructuring of object-oriented software systems
title:  A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving the Matrix Bandwidth Minimization Problem
title:  A Reinforcement Learning Model for Solving the Folding Problem
title:  An Experiment on Protein Structure Prediction using Reinforcement Learning
title:  A Software Framework for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Tasks
title:  A Comparison of Reinforcement Learning Based Models for the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem
title:  FAOS – A framework for analysing object oriented software systems
title:  Istvan Gergely Czibula
title:  Istvan Gergely Czibula
title:  Identifying hidden dependencies in software systems
title:  Gabriela Czibula and Zsuzsanna Marian
title:  A new Clustering Algorithm for Refactorings Determination
title:  ComDeValCo - Activity Modeling and Execution Proceedings of the Symposium “Colocviul Academic Clujean de Informatica”
title:  Use of search techniques to software development

In [5]:
for i, paper in enumerate(papers):
    print(i, paper)
excluded = [92, 93]

0 (None, None, None)
1 (' A Programming Interface For Finding Relational Association Rules', ' International Journal of Computers', ' 2006')
2 (' ComDeValCo Development Tools for Procedural Paradigm', ' International Journal of Computers', ' 2008')
3 (' Hierarchical clustering based design patterns Identification', ' International Journal of Computers', ' 2008')
4 (' Incremental Refactoring Using Seeds', ' Studies in Informatics and Control', ' 2010')
5 (' Tool support for fUML Models', ' International Journal of Computers', ' 2010')
6 (' Evaluation Measures For Partitioning Based Aspect Mining Techniques', ' International Journal of Computers', ' 2011')
7 (' A Distributed Q-Learning Approach to Fragment Assembly', ' Studies in Informatics and Control', ' 2011')
8 (' Promoter Sequences Prediction Using Relational Association Rule Mining', ' pp. 181-196 (2018 IF=2.203', ' 2012')
9 (' Istvan Gergely Czibula', ' Using Software Metrics for Automatic Software Design Improvement', None)
10 (' Unsupervised Restructuring of Object-Oriented Software Systems using Self-Organizing Feature Maps', ' International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control', ' 2012')
11 (' Intelligent Data Structures Selection using Neural Networks', ' Knowledge and Information Systems', ' 2013')
12 (' Soft computing approaches on the bandwidth problem', ' pp. 1–12 (2018 IF=1.928', ' 2013')
13 (' Temporal Ordering of Cancer Microarray Data through a Reinforcement Learning Based Approach', ' 2013 (2018 IF=2.776', None)
14 (' Istvan Gergely Czibula', ' Software Defect Prediction using Relational Association Rule Mining', None)
15 (' A Support Vector Machine Model For Intelligent Selection of Data Representations', ' Applied Soft Computing', None)
16 (' Istvan Gergely Czibula', ' Software systems performance improvement by intelligent data structures customization', ' 2014')
17 (' Istvan Gergely Czibula', ' Detecting Software Design Defects Using Relational Association Rule Mining', ' 2015')
18 (' Istvan Gergely Czibula', ' A novel approach to adaptive relational association rule mining', None)
19 (' A Novel Approach Using Fuzzy SelfOrganizing Maps for Detecting Software Faults', ' Studies in Informatics and Control', None)
20 (' Enhancing relational association rules with gradualness', ' International Journal of Innovative Computing', None)
21 (' Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Methods for Software Development Effort Estimation', ' Studies in Informatics and Control', None)
22 (' A novel approach for software defect prediction through hybridizing gradual relational association rules with artificial neural networks', ' Information Sciences 441C (2018)', None)
23 (' An effective approach for determining the class integration test order using reinforcement learning', ' Applied Soft Computing 65C (2018) pp. 517-530 (2018 IF=4.873', None)
24 (' An aggregated coupling measure for the analysis of object-oriented software systems', ' Journal of Systems and Software', None)
25 (' A novel concurrent relational association rule mining approach', ' Expert systems with Applications', ' 2019')
26 (' A Programming Interface for Determining Refactorings of Object-Oriented Software Systems using Clustering', ' ICCP 2007: Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing', ' 2007')
27 (' Restructuring Software Systems Using Clustering', ' Proceedings of The 22th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences', ' 2007')
28 (' Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring through Clustering', ' The Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing', None)
29 (' Identifying Design Patterns in Object-Oriented Software Systems Using Unsupervised Learning', ' 2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation', None)
30 (' Multiagent Decision Support Systems based on Supervised Learning', ' 2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation', None)
31 (' Refactorings Detection Using Hierarchical Clustering', ' European Computing Conference', ' 2008')
32 (' Clustering based automatic refactorings identification', ' The 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing', ' 2008')
33 (' iCOMPONENT: A Platform-Independent Component Model for Dynamic Execution Environments', ' The 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing', ' 2008')
34 (' IMASC - An Intelligent MultiAgent System for Clinical Decision Support', " Proceedings of the International Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications of the Compex Systems Biomedical Computing CANS' 2008", ' 2008')
35 (" An Agile MDA Approach for the Development of Service-Oriented Component-Based Applications Proceedings of the International Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications of the Compex Systems Biomedical Computing CANS' 2008", ' IEEE Society Press', ' 2008')
36 (' A partitional clustering algorithm for crosscutting concerns identification', ' Proceedings of the International Conference  on SOFTWARE ENGINEERING', ' 2009')
37 (' I. G. Czibula. An Agile MDA Approach for Service Oriented Components', ' Proceedings 6 th International Workshop on Formal Engineering Approaches to Software Components and Architectures', None)
38 (' I. G. Czibula', ' Rapid prototyping of service-oriented applications on OSGi platform', None)
39 (' IPA - An Intelligent Personal Assistant Agent For Task Performance Support', ' ICCP 2009: Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing', ' 2009')
40 (' Dynamic customization of data structures instances using an agent based approach', ' The 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing', ' 2009')
41 (' ComDeValCo Framework – Procedural and Modular Issues', ' Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques', ' 2009')
42 (' Clustering Based Reengineering of Procedural Systems to ObjectOriented Architectures', ' Post-proceedings of KEPT 2009', None)
43 (' Using a fUML Action Language to construct UML models', ' The 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing', ' 2009')
44 (' Adaptive Refactoring Using a Core-Based Clustering Approach', ' Proceedings of the 9 th International Conference on Software Engineering', ' 2010')
45 (' A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving the Fragment Assembly Problem', ' Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing', ' 2011 ')
46 (' Solving the Protein Folding Problem Using a Distributed Q-Learning Approach', ' International Journal of Computers', ' 2011')
47 (' A Reinforcement Learning Based Framework for Solving Optimization Problems', ' Post proceedings of KEPT 2011', ' 2011')
48 (' Istvan Gergely Czibula', ' Machine learning based approaches for sex identification in bioarchaeology', None)
49 (' Istvan-Gergely Czibula and Gabriela Czibula', ' A novel approach for software defect prediction using fuzzy decision trees', None)
50 (' Gabriela Czibula and Zsuzsanna Marian', ' An Improved Approach for Class Test Ordering Optimization using Genetic Algorithms', ' 2017 ')
51 (' Istvan Gergely Czibula', ' A hierarchical clustering-based approach for software restructuring at the package level', ' 2017')
52 (' Istvan Gergely Czibula', ' An unsupervised learning based conceptual coupling measure', ' 2017')
53 (' Istvan Gergely Czibula', ' Hunting Traits for Cryptojackers', ' 2019 ')
54 (' Robert-Francisc Vida ', ' Automatic algorithmic complexity determination using dynamic program analysis', None)
55 (' A New Clustering Approach for Systems Designs Improvement', ' 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice', ' 2007')
56 (' A Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Software Design Improvement', ' Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques', ' 2007')
57 (' Software Systems Design Improvement Using Hierarchical Clustering', " SERP'07- The 2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Research and Practice", ' 2007')
58 (' Medical Diagnosis Prediction using Relational Association Rules', " International Conference on Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Informatics (ICTAMI'07)", ' 2008')
59 (' Decision support system for software maintenance and evolution', ' Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques', ' 2009')
60 (' A clustering approach for transforming procedural into objectoriented software systems', ' Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques', ' 2009')
61 (' Hierarchical Clustering for Adaptive Refactorings Identification', ' 2010 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation', None)
62 (' A Distributed Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving Optimization Problems', ' in Recent Researches in Communications and IT', ' 2011')
63 (' G. and Sotoc', ' Self-organizning maps for identifying software defects', ' 2015')
64 (' A Programming Interface For Medical Diagnosis Prediction', ' Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"', ' 2006')
65 (' Improving Systems Design Using a Clustering Approach', ' IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security', None)
66 (' An Analysis of Distance Metrics for Clustering based Improvement of Systems Design', ' Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"', ' 2007')
67 (' On Evaluating Software Systems Design', ' Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"', ' 2007')
68 (' A Study on clustering based restructuring of Software systems', ' Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"', ' 2007')
69 (' An Agile MDA Approach for Executable UML Structured Activities', ' Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"', ' 2007')
70 (' ComDeValCo - A Framework for Software Component Definition', ' Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"', ' 2007')
71 (' Hierachical Clustering for Software Systems Restructuring', ' INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science', None)
72 (' Hierarchical Clustering based Automatic Refactorings Detection', ' WSEAS Transactions on Electronics', None)
73 (' A Search Based Approach for Identifying Design Patterns', ' Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"', ' 2008')
74 (' Extending OCL-based Action Language for Executable UML Components', ' Studia Universitatis "BabesBolyai"', ' 2008')
75 (' A partitional clustering algorithm for improving the structure of object-oriented software systems', ' Studia Universitatis "BabesBolyai"', ' 2008')
76 (' Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring using Clustering', ' Analele Universitatiii de Vest Timisoara', ' 2008')
77 (' Component Classification Criteria for a Platform-Independent Component Repository', '  International Conference on Applied Mathematics', None)
78 (' A Comparative Analysis of Clustering Algorithms in Aspect Mining', ' Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"', ' 2009')
79 (' Assisting Software Maintenance and Evolution Using an Agent Based Approach', ' Post-proceedings of KEPT 2009', None)
80 (' On converting software systems to object oriented architectures', ' Special Issue on Complexity in Sciences and Artifical Intelligence', ' 2010')
81 (' Unsupervised transformation of procedural programs to object-oriented design', ' Acta Universitatis Apulensis', ' 2012')
82 (' Identifying Crosscutting Concerns Using Partitional Clustering', ' Wseas Transactions on Computers', ' 2009')
83 (' Hierarchical Clustering for Identifying Crosscutting Concerns in Object Oriented Software Systems', ' INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science', ' 2009')
84 (' Clustering Based Adaptive Refactoring', ' Wseas Transactions on Information Science and Applications', ' 2010')
85 (' Adaptive restructuring of object-oriented software systems', ' Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"', ' 2010')
86 (' A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving the Matrix Bandwidth Minimization Problem', ' Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"', ' 2010')
87 (' A Reinforcement Learning Model for Solving the Folding Problem', ' IJCTA - International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications', ' 2011')
88 (' An Experiment on Protein Structure Prediction using Reinforcement Learning', ' Studia Babes-Bolyai Informatica', ' 2011')
89 (' A Software Framework for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Tasks', ' Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"', ' 2011 ')
90 (' A Comparison of Reinforcement Learning Based Models for the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem', ' Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"', ' 2013 ')
91 (' FAOS – A framework for analysing object oriented software systems', ' Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"', ' 2014 ')
92 (' Istvan Gergely Czibula', ' Gabriela Czibula and Sergiu Sotoc', ' 2015')
93 (' Istvan Gergely Czibula', ' Ioan-Gabriel Mircea and VladSebastian Ionescu', ' 2016')
94 (' Identifying hidden dependencies in software systems', ' Studia Universitatis "BabesBolyai”Informatica', ' 2017')
95 (' Gabriela Czibula and Zsuzsanna Marian', ' Identifying Class Integration Test Order using an Improved Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach', ' 2018')
96 (' A new Clustering Algorithm for Refactorings Determination', ' Proceedings of the 3rd Balkan Conference in Informatics', ' 27-29 September 2007')
97 (' ComDeValCo - Activity Modeling and Execution Proceedings of the Symposium “Colocviul Academic Clujean de Informatica”', ' Directii noi de cercetare in Informatica', ' 2008')
98 (' Use of search techniques to software development', ' 2009 (248 pagini) – în limba engleză  ', None)

DB Storage (TODO)

Time to store the entries in the papers DB table.

In [6]:
import mariadb
import json

In [7]:
with open('../credentials.json', 'r') as crd_json_fd:
    json_text =
    json_obj = json.loads(json_text)

In [8]:
credentials = json_obj["Credentials"]
username = credentials["username"]
password = credentials["password"]

In [10]:
table_name = "publications_cache"
db_name = "ubbcluj"

In [11]:
mariadb_connection = mariadb.connect(user=username, password=password, database=db_name)
mariadb_cursor = mariadb_connection.cursor()

In [14]:


In [22]:
for paper in papers[1:-1]:
    title = ""
    pub_date = ""
    affiliations = ""
        pub_date = paper[2].lstrip()
        pub_date = str(pub_date) + "-01-01"
        if len(pub_date) != 10:
            pub_date = ""
        title = paper[0].lstrip().split('\'')[0]
        affiliations = paper[1].lstrip().split('\'')[0]
    except AttributeError:
    insert_string = "INSERT INTO {0} SET ".format(table_name)
    insert_string += "Title=\'{0}\', ".format(title)
    insert_string += "ProfessorId=\'{0}\', ".format(3)
    if pub_date != "":
        insert_string += "PublicationDate=\'{0}\', ".format(str(pub_date))
    insert_string += "Authors=\'{0}\', ".format("EMPTY")
    insert_string += "Affiliations=\'{0}\' ".format(affiliations)

    except mariadb.ProgrammingError as pe:
        raise pe
    except mariadb.IntegrityError:

INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Programming Interface For Finding Relational Association Rules', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2006-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Journal of Computers' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='ComDeValCo Development Tools for Procedural Paradigm', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Journal of Computers' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Hierarchical clustering based design patterns Identification', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Journal of Computers' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Incremental Refactoring Using Seeds', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2010-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studies in Informatics and Control' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Tool support for fUML Models', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2010-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Journal of Computers' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Evaluation Measures For Partitioning Based Aspect Mining Techniques', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2011-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Journal of Computers' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Distributed Q-Learning Approach to Fragment Assembly', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2011-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studies in Informatics and Control' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Promoter Sequences Prediction Using Relational Association Rule Mining', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2012-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='pp. 181-196 (2018 IF=2.203' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Istvan Gergely Czibula', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Using Software Metrics for Automatic Software Design Improvement' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Unsupervised Restructuring of Object-Oriented Software Systems using Self-Organizing Feature Maps', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2012-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Journal of Innovative Computing Information and Control' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Intelligent Data Structures Selection using Neural Networks', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2013-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Knowledge and Information Systems' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Soft computing approaches on the bandwidth problem', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2013-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='pp. 1–12 (2018 IF=1.928' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Temporal Ordering of Cancer Microarray Data through a Reinforcement Learning Based Approach', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='2013 (2018 IF=2.776' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Istvan Gergely Czibula', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Software Defect Prediction using Relational Association Rule Mining' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Support Vector Machine Model For Intelligent Selection of Data Representations', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Applied Soft Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Istvan Gergely Czibula', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2014-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Software systems performance improvement by intelligent data structures customization' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Istvan Gergely Czibula', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2015-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Detecting Software Design Defects Using Relational Association Rule Mining' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Istvan Gergely Czibula', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='A novel approach to adaptive relational association rule mining' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Novel Approach Using Fuzzy SelfOrganizing Maps for Detecting Software Faults', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studies in Informatics and Control' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Enhancing relational association rules with gradualness', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Journal of Innovative Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Natural Language Processing and Machine Learning Methods for Software Development Effort Estimation', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studies in Informatics and Control' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A novel approach for software defect prediction through hybridizing gradual relational association rules with artificial neural networks', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Information Sciences 441C (2018)' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='An effective approach for determining the class integration test order using reinforcement learning', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Applied Soft Computing 65C (2018) pp. 517-530 (2018 IF=4.873' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='An aggregated coupling measure for the analysis of object-oriented software systems', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Journal of Systems and Software' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A novel concurrent relational association rule mining approach', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2019-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Expert systems with Applications' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Programming Interface for Determining Refactorings of Object-Oriented Software Systems using Clustering', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='ICCP 2007: Proceedings of the IEEE 3rd International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Restructuring Software Systems Using Clustering', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceedings of The 22th International Symposium on Computer and Information Sciences' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring through Clustering', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The Eighth International Conference on Artificial Intelligence and Soft Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Identifying Design Patterns in Object-Oriented Software Systems Using Unsupervised Learning', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Multiagent Decision Support Systems based on Supervised Learning', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='2008 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Refactorings Detection Using Hierarchical Clustering', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='European Computing Conference' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Clustering based automatic refactorings identification', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='iCOMPONENT: A Platform-Independent Component Model for Dynamic Execution Environments', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The 10th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='IMASC - An Intelligent MultiAgent System for Clinical Decision Support', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceedings of the International Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications of the Compex Systems Biomedical Computing CANS' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='An Agile MDA Approach for the Development of Service-Oriented Component-Based Applications Proceedings of the International Conference on Complexity and Intelligence of the Artificial and Natural Complex Systems - Medical Applications of the Compex Systems Biomedical Computing CANS', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='IEEE Society Press' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A partitional clustering algorithm for crosscutting concerns identification', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2009-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceedings of the International Conference  on SOFTWARE ENGINEERING' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='I. G. Czibula. An Agile MDA Approach for Service Oriented Components', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceedings 6 th International Workshop on Formal Engineering Approaches to Software Components and Architectures' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='I. G. Czibula', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Rapid prototyping of service-oriented applications on OSGi platform' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='IPA - An Intelligent Personal Assistant Agent For Task Performance Support', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2009-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='ICCP 2009: Proceedings of the IEEE 5th International Conference on Intelligent Computer Communication and Processing' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Dynamic customization of data structures instances using an agent based approach', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2009-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='ComDeValCo Framework – Procedural and Modular Issues', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2009-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Clustering Based Reengineering of Procedural Systems to ObjectOriented Architectures', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Post-proceedings of KEPT 2009' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Using a fUML Action Language to construct UML models', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2009-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='The 11th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Adaptive Refactoring Using a Core-Based Clustering Approach', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2010-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceedings of the 9 th International Conference on Software Engineering' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving the Fragment Assembly Problem', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceedings of the 13th International Symposium on Symbolic and Numeric Algorithms for Scientific Computing' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Solving the Protein Folding Problem Using a Distributed Q-Learning Approach', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2011-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Journal of Computers' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Reinforcement Learning Based Framework for Solving Optimization Problems', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2011-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Post proceedings of KEPT 2011' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Istvan Gergely Czibula', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Machine learning based approaches for sex identification in bioarchaeology' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Istvan-Gergely Czibula and Gabriela Czibula', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='A novel approach for software defect prediction using fuzzy decision trees' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Gabriela Czibula and Zsuzsanna Marian', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='An Improved Approach for Class Test Ordering Optimization using Genetic Algorithms' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Istvan Gergely Czibula', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2017-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='A hierarchical clustering-based approach for software restructuring at the package level' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Istvan Gergely Czibula', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2017-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='An unsupervised learning based conceptual coupling measure' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Istvan Gergely Czibula', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Hunting Traits for Cryptojackers' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Robert-Francisc Vida ', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Automatic algorithmic complexity determination using dynamic program analysis' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A New Clustering Approach for Systems Designs Improvement', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='2007 International Conference on Software Engineering Theory and Practice' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Hierarchical Clustering Algorithm for Software Design Improvement', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Software Systems Design Improvement Using Hierarchical Clustering', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='SERP' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Medical Diagnosis Prediction using Relational Association Rules', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Conference on Theory and Applications of Mathematics and Informatics (ICTAMI' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Decision support system for software maintenance and evolution', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2009-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A clustering approach for transforming procedural into objectoriented software systems', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2009-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Knowledge Engineering: Principles and Techniques' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Hierarchical Clustering for Adaptive Refactorings Identification', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='2010 IEEE-TTTC International Conference on Automation' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Distributed Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving Optimization Problems', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2011-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='in Recent Researches in Communications and IT' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='G. and Sotoc', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2015-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Self-organizning maps for identifying software defects' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Programming Interface For Medical Diagnosis Prediction', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2006-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Improving Systems Design Using a Clustering Approach', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='IJCSNS International Journal of Computer Science and Network Security' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='An Analysis of Distance Metrics for Clustering based Improvement of Systems Design', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='On Evaluating Software Systems Design', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Study on clustering based restructuring of Software systems', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='An Agile MDA Approach for Executable UML Structured Activities', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='ComDeValCo - A Framework for Software Component Definition', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2007-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Hierachical Clustering for Software Systems Restructuring', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Hierarchical Clustering based Automatic Refactorings Detection', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='WSEAS Transactions on Electronics' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Search Based Approach for Identifying Design Patterns', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Extending OCL-based Action Language for Executable UML Components', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "BabesBolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A partitional clustering algorithm for improving the structure of object-oriented software systems', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "BabesBolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Object-Oriented Software Systems Restructuring using Clustering', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Analele Universitatiii de Vest Timisoara' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Component Classification Criteria for a Platform-Independent Component Repository', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='International Conference on Applied Mathematics' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Comparative Analysis of Clustering Algorithms in Aspect Mining', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2009-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Assisting Software Maintenance and Evolution Using an Agent Based Approach', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Post-proceedings of KEPT 2009' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='On converting software systems to object oriented architectures', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2010-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Special Issue on Complexity in Sciences and Artifical Intelligence' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Unsupervised transformation of procedural programs to object-oriented design', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2012-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Acta Universitatis Apulensis' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Identifying Crosscutting Concerns Using Partitional Clustering', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2009-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Wseas Transactions on Computers' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Hierarchical Clustering for Identifying Crosscutting Concerns in Object Oriented Software Systems', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2009-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='INFOCOMP Journal of Computer Science' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Clustering Based Adaptive Refactoring', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2010-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Wseas Transactions on Information Science and Applications' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Adaptive restructuring of object-oriented software systems', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2010-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Reinforcement Learning Approach for Solving the Matrix Bandwidth Minimization Problem', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2010-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Reinforcement Learning Model for Solving the Folding Problem', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2011-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='IJCTA - International Journal of Computer Technology and Applications' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='An Experiment on Protein Structure Prediction using Reinforcement Learning', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2011-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Babes-Bolyai Informatica' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Software Framework for Solving Combinatorial Optimization Tasks', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A Comparison of Reinforcement Learning Based Models for the DNA Fragment Assembly Problem', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='FAOS – A framework for analysing object oriented software systems', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "Babes-Bolyai"' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Istvan Gergely Czibula', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2015-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Gabriela Czibula and Sergiu Sotoc' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Istvan Gergely Czibula', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2016-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Ioan-Gabriel Mircea and VladSebastian Ionescu' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Identifying hidden dependencies in software systems', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2017-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Studia Universitatis "BabesBolyai”Informatica' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='Gabriela Czibula and Zsuzsanna Marian', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2018-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Identifying Class Integration Test Order using an Improved Genetic Algorithm-Based Approach' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='A new Clustering Algorithm for Refactorings Determination', ProfessorId='3', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Proceedings of the 3rd Balkan Conference in Informatics' 
INSERT INTO publications_cache SET Title='ComDeValCo - Activity Modeling and Execution Proceedings of the Symposium “Colocviul Academic Clujean de Informatica”', ProfessorId='3', PublicationDate='2008-01-01', Authors='EMPTY', Affiliations='Directii noi de cercetare in Informatica' 

In [23]:


In the end, the DB only required ~5 manual modifications with this code.